Statistics for cancers in children, adolescents, and young adults

Frequently Asked Questions about NCCR Data Products

If you can’t find your answer below, please contact us.

Q1. Are patients included in SEER and NCCR different?

A1. Yes. SEER databases include data from SEER-funded registries, and a list of these registries can be found on the SEER website. Geographic coverage and years of diagnosis or years of data coverage of NCCR data products can be found via the NCCR Data Products page.

Q2: Why are cancer types in SEER and NCCR different?

A2. Categorization of cancer types in NCCR is based on International Classification of Childhood Cancer, whereas other SEER data products for cancers in adults are based on SEER Site Recodes. The NCCR also includes ICD-O-3 Histology, Behavior, and Primary Site.

Q3. Can I access absolute numbers of cases instead of rates in NCCR*Explorer?

A3. Case counts are not available in NCCR*Explorer due to reidentification concerns. Case counts can be obtained through SEER*Stat or the NCCR Data Platform. To gain access to SEER*Stat databases, apply for an account. To gain access to the NCCR Data Platform, apply for an account. Once approved, you will be provided with instructions to download and install SEER*Stat. Tutorials to learn how to use SEER*Stat are available on the SEER website.

Q4. Can I obtain pediatric cancer data (mortality, incidence, etc.) by state or county from NCCR Data Products?

A4. NCCR Data Products (NCCR*Explorer, SEER*Stat, and the NCCR Data Platform) do not contain geographic information such as state or county to protect the confidentiality of patients. As an open-access resource that does not require login or a Data Use Agreement, only aggregate rates are available through NCCR*Explorer. Password-protected NCCR data available through SEER*Stat does not contain geographic indicators.

If you are interested in data by county, the SEER Research Plus Data provides access to statistics by county and the SEER Specialized Database with County Codes provides access to individual-level data at the county level. Also, the NAACCR CiNA Public UseExternal Web Site Policy and U.S. Cancer Statistics Public Use databases are available by state.

Q5. Can I obtain mortality data from NCCR*Explorer? Why not?

A5. At this time, mortality data is not included in NCCR*Explorer. Mortality data comes from death certificate data in which cause of death is not coded by International Classification of Childhood Cancer classification and lacks sufficient information for data harmonization.

Q6. Are long term incidence rates available by age at diagnosis in one-year units? Is a comparison of cancer incidence rates by sex and race available from NCCR*Explorer?

A6. Rates by age at diagnosis in one-year units and comparisons by sex or race are available under ‘Rates by Age’ tab in NCCR*Explorer.

Q7. Is data regarding palliative care available in NCCR*Explorer?

A7. Palliative care data are not collected by state cancer registries and are not included in NCCR*Explorer.